The Catamounts: through October 16
EDITH WEISS as DEATH (Photo Credit: Michael Ensminger)
Brandon Jacob-Jenkins' play,"Everybody,"now on view at The Dairy in Boulder, is based upon a 15th century morality play called "Every Man." Each night, by lottery, a different member of the cast wins the chance to be the central character and deal with the hopes and fears of the mortal self in Time.
As in the earlier version, God summons Everyman by means of his side kick, Death.
The action takes place in the center of a large circle of straight back chairs in which audience members may (or may not) find themselves seated next to one of the cast members.
Karen Slack opens the evening by engaging the audience with her dramatic flair, first by reminding the audience of points of theatre etiquette such as silencing cell phones and unwrapping candy. In a very short while she has become an arrogant, commanding God in the midst of stunning flashes of light provided by lighting designer Jacob Welch and thunder thanks to Kenny Storms' sound design.
As God, Ms. Slack summons her side kick,Death, played by the hilarious Edith Weiss, and commands her to do her grim duty. It is to be noted that these two women are two of Colorado's premier talents and when they're onstage the show is absolutely riveting. When they leave the stage we long for their return. And they do!
Hanging above the playing space are numerous bolts of colored fabric and props by Amanda Berg Wilson.
Tricia Music's costume design includes, among other things, a giant gold lame trophy in which Jason Maxwell delivers one of the provocative monologues.
The delightful cast also includes a wonderfully animated Peter Trinh as well as Tresha Farris, Hossein Forouzandeh, Ilasiea Gray, Lily Gruber and Bernadette Sefic.
Also...there is a scene near final curtain involving a dance that you simply must see - and that you will never forget! (No spoilers here.)